Monday, January 26, 2009

I had good intentions

We've been trying really hard to be more active, and eat more healthy. It's been going pretty well. Jacob exercises a lot more than me, and he's seen some great results. I can't get up off the couch, so I haven't been so lucky.
So Saturday morning was the perfect time to get out and go for a little jaunt in the woods with our snowshoes. We were out there for about an hour. If I had my way, it probably would have only been about 20 minutes, but we got a little lost.
Here's Jacob, happy to be out getting some fresh air:

And here's me. I look like I'd rather be doing anything but this!

So then for dinner that night, I thought I'd try making something healthy... (note to self: next time, don't bother). I tried tofu. I found a recipe for tofu with peanut sauce and spinach. It had great reviews online (they must have paid them to say something good).
This is what it looked like:

And this is what happened next. Jacob pretended he was on Fear Factor and ate every last bite. As long as he had snow peas in each bite, he said it was edible.
I went for the Doritos. At least they were baked.

I just don't think I'm cut out for this healthy lifestyle.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hope your festivities were as exciting as ours:

2008 was good, can't really complain about much. The highlight was having my whole side of the family together for Peter and Jenna's wedding this summer.

But I'm hoping to see a few changes in 2009 including:

- A vacation. Our 2 night camping trip in the cold, wind and rain didn't really work well for me. I'd prefer a little more sun and a little more activity than downeast Maine can offer.

- I'd like to get pregnant. And stay pregnant.  A minor little project I've been working on for 2 years now.

- It would be nice to have a bigger garden this summer. I'm working on being self-sufficient. It isn't going so well. I'm a little more "of the world" than "in the world" than I'd like to be. But little by little I'll get there, right? Before you know it I'll have my own flock of sheep in my back yard and I'll knit you all sweaters for Christmas :-)

Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!