Sunday, August 23, 2009

Can we just put "Baby Boy" on the birth certificate?

I think we're finally ready.

Crib- check
Diaper stash- check
Carseat- check
Swing- check
Cute assortment of clothes- check
Birthing class/ tour- check.... (even though I'm still trying to figure out alternative options to labor and delivery. I just don't see this going very smoothly)

We have pretty much everything we need except for a name. This poor child is still nameless.
Five weeks until his debut and so far the best we can come up with is "Jean-Claude", which I don't think is very fair to the cute little bugger.

So please,please, PLEASE leave a comment and offer us some suggestions, maybe we have missed some, or haven't considered them all yet.

If we pick your suggestion for his name, I'll buy ice cream for you and your whole family, or a whoopie pie, or even a steak dinner if you want it. We're that desperate.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Here's your pregnancy post, Hannah!

Pregnancy looks awesome on me. The cankles especially. Urban dictionary describes cankles best: The area in affected female legs where the calf meets the foot in an abrupt, nontapering terminus... improved in appearance only by boots.

Quite becoming, aren't they? Jacob says they look like little cartoon feet with pudgy sausage looking toes!

The rest of my body matches my feet and ankles, so no, you do not get a full picture of me. But here is a view of my belly from where I sit:
My belly button is starting to pop! 8 more weeks and the turkey is done!