Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sandra tagged me...

so I need to list 6 quirks about myself. But I don't think I'm really all that quirky... I'm rather dull. But I'll try-

1. I don't like meat. It's gross. For years I wouldn't eat any meat at all, but now I eat chicken or turkey once in a while, and not a lot of it!

2. Must brush, floss and rinse before bed, or else I have a hard time falling asleep!

3. It takes me about 20 minutes to hear my alarm in the morning. In the winter I need 2 alarms to get me out of bed.

4. I don't like to wear shoes, but if I MUST wear them, I want them to be about 2 sizes too big.

5. I can't stand insincerity... and if I sense it in someone, I no longer trust them.

6. I'm allergic to anesthesia and every anti-biotic I've ever been on.

I tag Hannah, Amy and Bekka- I think those are the only other 3 people that read my lame little blog!! (If there's anyone else out there, now is a good time to come forward.)

1 comment:

Sandra Dubreuil said...

Thanks for playing!! Look at all the fun stuff I learned about you!! My only question is how do your feet not hurt with shoes two sizes too big?