Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Time to be thankful

I tend to spend too much time dwelling on what I don't have rather than what I DO have. So every day for the rest of the week I will spend a few minutes counting my blessings, and I'll name them one by one.

Today I'm thankful that I wasn't born before electricity was invented. Or cars. Or running water. And I'm grateful that I live in a country where this stuff is readily available. I'm grateful for the pilgrims, and I'm so very glad I wasn't one of them.
Just look at this picture. 
It makes me feel cold, seasick, smelly, hungry, tired, scared and I imagine I would have been cranky to have to wear those dresses and cook over an open fire. ugh. no thanks. I don't even want to go camping without the luxuries L.L.Bean provides. I never would have made it!

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